"I’ll start my weight loss in a New Year"

"I’ve got too many important events this months- so I’ll start going to a gym just after them"

"It’s my birthday soon and we are going on holiday shortly after that - I’ll definitely get back into exercising and will start dieting right after it’s all over"

That’s what I hear a lot! People keep postponing their weight loss because of a few events that have been planned.

Why? Are they waiting for that perfect time?

BUT …does it exist at all?

NO and NO and No! It doesn’t exist and moreover- it’s doesn’t have to be perfect at all!

When we all understand that our nutrition doesn’t have to be seamless, perfect and faultless, when we will learn how to balance our life when you can still lose weight while still having fun and social life - then you’ll eventually start losing weight and what’s more important- maintaining it!

So please, don’t putt on hold that day when you will be ready to start going to the gym! Do it ! Do it today! And it doesn’t matter that you have that wedding coming up soon! That day won’t ruin all your progress! Believe me - it won’t!

Plato’s these few days off from your weight loss journey. And imagine your are losing 1lb a week! And in a month it’s about 4lbs ! And on two months it’s 8lbs which is over a stone.

And that’s what possible to achieve even before this Christmas!

That’s what I teach all my clients! We adapt your exercises and nutrition to your lifestyle! We move the calories around and learn more about the food so you can make better food choices and learn how to eat but still lose weight!

You can wear that amazing dress you’ve got in the wardrobe that you couldn’t fit before, feeling confident in your own body


….you can keep postponing it again and again and live with that dream! Only a dream...